Ep. 4 - Imposter syndrome, identity, and faith
Heather Frierson
“You get so comfortable in what you’re doing and then it shifts. You almost look back and think…
‘Was I a fraud?’
‘Was I not doing the right thing?’
You were, but now you’re so uncomfortable going into this new season. It’s dependent on your faith and on Jesus to relearn who you are.”
Heather is the founder and CEO of Created Woman, a non profit organization that seeks to equip and empower women with the tools they need to live out their God-given purpose - “on purpose”.
Heather has always had a passion for fashion, faith and identity, She dives deep into how the Imposter Phenomenon has had her doubting her gifts, talents, dreams and passions just like many women today.
Heather unmasks:
How fashion can be used as a tool for empowerment rather than a facade.
How having an identity rooted in a higher power is the key to shaking imposter feelings.
Her journey from the corporate world to a life of purpose!
Watch the full episode :